Rabu, 20 Agustus 2014

English learning journal 4

English learning journal

Day/Date : Tuesday , 19 August , 2014
Class : 9C
1. Learning Experience :
a. My teacher stars the lesson by reading basmalah
b. My teacher explain about centainty / uncertainty , repeation , showing atention , and showing adimitation
c. My teacher asked to make a group
d. My teacher asked to discuss about centainty / uncertainty , repeation , showing atention , and showing adimitation
e. My teacher asked to present
f. My teacher finishes the lesson by reading hamdalah

2. The topic/lesson that I understand :
- I understand centainty / uncertainty , showing atention

3. The topic/lesson that I don't understand :
- I do not understand repeation , showing adimitation

4. How to solve the problem :
- I will ask My friend

5. How to increase the topic :
- I will find some information in my friend

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